Saturday, January 20, 2018

So much love

Advances in neo-natal medicine and the extreme generosity of you and others has developed into a very unexpected problem over the past year or two in the world of clothing for the Angel babies.

It appears that there are so many wonderful hearts and hands participating in creating these items for the precious Angels across the nation and around the world.   This means that more donated dresses are processed into Angel items than ever before.  That is good news!!  The family of every Angelbaby should have access to clothing for their precious bundle, which is exactly what we want.  Thank you to each and every one of the hands and hearts that help with this amazing mission.

Additional good news is that more at-risk babies are surviving to go home with their families!!!  That is exceptionally good news and what we pray for every day.

Adding those two things together, however, demands a change in our processing.  We also remain unable to accept any donations of wedding dresses. 

While there are no hard fast numbers, discussions among some of the Angel gown groups reveal that the supply well exceeds the need at this point. While we do NOT want the need for Angel gowns to increase, we have been forced to implement new processing to adapt to the supply and demand of Angel items.

Storing completed, prepared, and packaged Angel items requires more care and space to prevent excess wrinkling. Conversely, the dresses, which we deconstruct and sometimes pre-cut shortly after receipt, are stored with care, but with slightly less concern for wrinkling.   Each Angel item is neatly pressed it is sewn, completed, and packaged.

Thus, to allow efficient use of our storage space, we will now store a specific number of completed and packaged Angel items, maintaining a full complement of the assorted sizes and styles of our items.  Once the storage space for completed items is full, we discontinue processing our donated dresses. 

As we distribute our completed and packaged Angel items, we create more Angel items from the stored dresses, refilling our storage area to ensure we can fill any client needs as they occur.  However, this also means that we are not working through our backlog as fast as we once were.  

We regret this situation and thought it was perhaps a short term concern but the situation has continued so I felt it important to share this information with you.   Personally, I feel that what is important, and the bottom line, is that every Angel is clothed for its final journey.   

Please know that we will continue to process the gowns we have received and that they will be distributed as requested, needed, or as we find new clients. 

Blessings to you all!

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