The last few months have certainly been a challenge for me and our family with a few very serious health issues, unexpected but very necessary trips here and there, and other critical events.
So many times, I thought it was time to create in the studio and I would be called away for a service of the heart or hand. Sometimes, we get to evaluate life needs and determine if and where we are needed.... and sometimes, there is no question. We ARE needed elsewhere. There are times when our blessings are to help and times when we are blessed to receive help.
In between the stress, fatigue, traveling, eating on the run, and a few colds/flu, my fibro reared its ugly head. Today, I received treatment for the most painful rib misalignment I have ever in my life experienced. I have had many, many rib dislocations and separations but this one was unique and very, VERY painful. However, the treatment was a success and I am, once again, optimistic about the clouds clearing very soon.
I have one more short family health required trip and a couple small obligations in the very near future.
I sincerely believe that all that has happened in and around our family in these recent months were blessings because out of each event came good things. What seemed to be devastating health news would turn into an awareness of critical issues that could have very easily been overlooked. I was available to lend a hand when a chosen sister was at her breaking point. Rescuing a German Shepherd, Daisy, brought our family joy and healing. The rib was another warning that I need to listen a bit closer to my body and respect my limitations. Blessings.... every one.
I am, however, unhappy that I continue to be pulled away from Angelgownsbyjacki. Being away hurts my heart but I know that when He is ready for me to be in the studio, I will receive that message and I will listen. I still have a supply of completed Angel items on hand should I receive urgent requests so I know comfort in that I am still providing for the families of Angelbabies.
Helping and healing comes in many forms, but faith, touch, and hope are vital to all.
So for the time being, I will do my best to be of service in whatever roll I am called upon to be: wife, daughter, mother, friend, shoulder, hand, or whatever.
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