Monday, December 7, 2015

Its been a rough couple months for me but I am back in the Angel Gown workshop today.  My family is once again happy and on the road to recovery from some serious health issues.  Health issues aside, it was a bonus to be able to spend an extended period with the family. 

Truly, we are so very blessed.

I returned home on Thanksgiving Day to a large pile of love from brides donating supplies, cash for shipment postage, and their dresses to the Angels. 

I am working on the processing of these dresses now.  I don't want to make the entries too large for those watching on tablets so watch for several photo entries over the next several days.

Also, a box from the wonderful Nadine Henry arrived while I was gone.

Nadine is an amazing woman with lots of grandkids to crochet for and ongoing health issues in her family, yet she continues to crochet for the Angels.

As always, she shares her blessings via beautifully crocheted blankets for the families of the babies that became Too Soon An Angel.

The families tend to keep the blankets as a remembrance after their Angels are put to rest so our blankets may provide comfort for years to come.

I especially love the daisies that she tucked into the middle and corners of her blankets....

so very sweet !!!

Thank you Nadine! 

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