Jerilee says:

After studying Reiki and becoming a person who was able to attune others to Reiki it still seemed there was more.
After much searching I was guided to attend the East West College of Healing Arts in Portland, OR where I studied massage, in particular Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Thai Massage. The initial goal was to learn Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST) as it dovetails nicely with Reiki but Thai massage swept me away as well.

There are many joys of creation in my life. Sewing, crocheting, cooking, making fresh nut milks, gardening to name but a few outlets that make my heart sing. A few years ago a dear friend of mine was diagnosed with Stage 3 Lymphoma. I created something I call a Healing Quilt and put love in every single stitch then sent it to this very sick friend who happily is now in full remission.
After seeing a story on Jacki and her Angel Gowns I felt very compelled to seek her out and offer whatever she needed to help her in this loving, selfless, kind undertaking. So far one blanket is crocheted and the second one is well on its way to being finished. When crocheting, each stitch is lovingly made thinking of the parents of those who have become Angels Too Soon.
While I do not have personal experience in losing a wee one nor can I imagine the pain and grief parents are forever changed by, it is an honor and a blessing to make something with love which may offer a tiny bit of comfort."
Jerilee and I met and bonded right away, chatting forever about our lives, our hearts, our souls. I know I will know healing and peace in our relationship. Thank you, Jerilee.
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