Friday, July 31, 2015

Dresses and heartstrings

Today, I am spending my "AngelDay" logging dresses and getting them ready for storage until their transformation brings. 

Most of the veils received with these dresses will be sold and all proceeds will go to Angelgownsbyjacki to help pay for shipping the Angelgowns to families and hospitals.

The dress below was left at the drop off location in Phoenix with no identification.  Please know that there are often drop offs, and sometimes more than one the same day, without identification. Thus, I don't always know who dropped off which dress. I sometimes get emails saying a dress will be dropped off, tracking down the donator can be an arduous process.  Please, PLEASE, be reminded that it is imperative that you identify your dress by attaching your name to the inside of the dress, whether you ship it or drop it off.

If the above dress was dropped off by you and you wish to be identified, please let me know as soon as possible.  

Carolyn Gawron

Carolyn Gawron of ME donated the dress she wore 46 years ago.   I especially love receiving vintage dresses!  I imagine that the bride or the bride's family held onto their love filled dress for so many years looking for just the right time, and reason, to let it go.

Staci Roybal
While all dresses donated touch my heartstrings, some pluck at them a bit more than others.  The dress above, donated by Staci Roybal of NV, is handmade.  Someone, possibly the bride, poured love and hope and prayers into this dress, making it for the bride.   Staci also donated her ring bearer's pillow to provide a soft place to lay an Angel's head.

Staci Roybal

Lisa Funk
Lisa Funk of NJ donated the dress she wore 39 years ago.  Lisa's dress included a touching note of which I will share just a bit...  "...I read an article about Angelgowns on Facebook and your mission has been on my mind since then.  I admire the talent, patience, and kind hearts of these women who creat the tiny beautiful garments for deceased babies.  It is with great joy that I now donate my wedding gown to Angelgowns.  May God bless you and each and every individual who is involved in this important mission."

Julie Beth Christensen for "Ella Grace"
Julie Beth Christensen donated her dress for the other Angels.  Julie offered the name of Ella Grace for her Angelbaby if it was a girl.  Julie feels in her heart that "Ella Grace" is watching over her.

Linda Ohlandt
Linda Ohlandt of NJ calls upon a personal experience to know that donating her dress to the Angels is right for her.  Linda, I pray that your donation will bring you just a little peace.

And just for fun, this is what my wall looks like when there aren't wedding dresses hanging on it :).

The dresses have been coming in steady enough lately that I am very behind. I have some health issues and must sometimes limit the time I spend on Angelgownsbyjacki.  I love every part of Angelgownsbyjacki and would do it every day if I could but I also need to take care of me, my health, and my family.  Thank you for your patience in this process.

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