Wednesday, June 3, 2015


(this story is being told as best I remember it.)

I was in a fabric store with my cousin and a friend on Tuesday.   We were chatting with a couple other customers in the checkout line and very being completely silly about asking management to take fabric outside for a sunlight consult and then just running off with it.

We laughingly discussed a faux ring of fabric thieves in the area and the other ladies indicated that they had "seen" a story about the thieves (meaning us) on facebook and that they were going to call KCCI and report that they had seen us!

I said "oh, no, don't call KCCI.  Three times on the news in a week was enough for now."

One of the other customers said "oh, that's were I saw you!!!"

I gave the other customers an Angelgownsbyjacki card, quickly discussed Angelgowns, and away they went as their purchases had been paid for.

We continued to shop for a while and while still looking at fabrics for my cousin's curtains, one of those ladies came rushing to me with her arms out and exclaiming that she was so happy that I did what I did...  taking care of those families.  Of course, there were tears in her eyes.

I have been helped, blessed, and received amazing gifts when I really, really needed them.  I am determined to pay it forward with the blessings I can give.

I donate 12" of my hair to Locks of Love every time its grown enough for me to do it.  I have done this since 9/11 and will continue to do so until my hair is no longer appropriate.  I never know the child that receives a wig with my hair but that's not why I do it.  I do it for my friends who have been treated for cancer, I do it for my family who has been treated, I do it for the child who has lost their hair and received a wig, and I do it because I can.

I would love to say that I do Angelgowns ONLY for the babies and their families....   but my heart sings with joy when I know that the donators, the creators, and I have made this world just a little bit better...  helped someone just a little bit....  filled a needed gap.  

Its not about me....  but it feels so good to do it.   Please, do a RAK (random act of kindness) today... and feel the joy I do.

Such an emotional ride this last 10 days has been for me.   Thank you to all who have taken this ride with me.

(I am publishing this without review...  and most likely with errors... perhaps I will read it later and make corrections....  but I do not want to change the sentiment and I am afraid that a revision will do that)

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