Saturday, March 14, 2015

Our first public event!

Today, we attended Brides of March, a pub crawl, near downtown Phoenix.  While the pub crawl took participants through several area bars, we set up at the Bliss ReBar.  The manager and bartender were extremely gracious in making sure we had everything we needed.

We arrived early enough to get set up and grab a bite to eat.  The restaurant served the most A.MA.ZING chicken club...  and hubby got the steak sandwich.  We were impressed with the staff but seriously, the food was wonderful!!!

There were lots of brides of all shapes, sizes, and gender, and the styles of dresses was amazingly diverse.

There was the unexpected...   (yes, that is a male bride on stilts)

The hysterical...

the creative....

and the normal....  (or somewhat normal :)

but everyone had a great time and hubby, my "salesman", worked the crowd in his Harley Davidson wedding attire.

We experienced a few tears as we talked about our mission and as others shared their stories.  In addition to the guests, the bartender approached me at the end of her shift and said that she had been tearing up since we arrived as she had just become a godmother and they had almost lost the baby.   She presented me with these roses to thank me for what we do. A couple are missing - for good reason.

We had the donors sign our collection box and we left tired, happy, and excited.  We spread the word about Angelgowns, had donations in our box, and was given promises of more. 

Best of all, Bliss ReBar and its associated bars have invited us back for more events!!! 

It was a perfect day!

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