Tuesday, October 13, 2015

It has been a crazy summer with blessings, disguised as unexpected life events, landing in my lap.  I know that things like these are just part of life but I witnessed a life saving event, a renewal of friendships, a repair of a family, and the true power of genuine friendship.  I was blessed to be a part of these events and it has strengthened my faith in God, in myself, and in others.

However, these events limited the time I was able to spend on AngelGowns during the summer.

Additionally, the interview that I did for AngelGowns early in the summer resulted in huge blessings as so many dresses arrived from across the country.  

Every dresses and every event of the summer were blessings; however, I am at capacity for storage of wedding dresses as a result of these events.

Thus, we are, temporarily, unable to receive additional dresses.  Please know that we will accept, process, and transform all dresses that we have already received and any that are already on their way to us.

Note that shipping and drop off addresses have temporarily been removed from the "To Donate" page and will be updated once we are able to accept more dresses. 

We continue to be in need of sponsorship for postage/shipping and supplies if you wish to support us in that way.
While we are current on our shipments to hospitals and mortuaries, our store of Angel items is dangerously low.  We are working hard to become current on our processing and rebuilding our store of Angel items.
Each and every dress received by Angelgownsbyjacki is transformed into amazing Angel items for the Angelbabies.
We respectfully ask for your patience as we continue to work for babies who have become An Angel Too Soon.
Thank you and Bless you.

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